Samanvay Sahodaya on the occasion of ‘International Day for Girl Child’, in collaboration with District Magistrate East Delhi and Delhi Legal Services Authority organised a Fete at ASN Senior Secondary School grounds on the theme ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’.
The aim behind the gala event was to sensitize everyone about the importance of girls’ education, which is the very best thing one can do, not just for our daughters and granddaughters, but for their families, communities, and countries.
The program took an auspicious start with the lighting of the lamp. The eminent Guests present on this occasion were Shri Arun Kumar Mishra, District Magistrate, East; Mr. Kamal Singh, Executive Director, UN Global Compact Network India, UNESCO; Ms. Huma Masood, National Programme Officer (Communication & Information) UNESCO; Sh. Rajiv Kumar Tyagi SDM (Mayur Vihar); Sh. Rajeev Kumar SDM (Gandhi Nagar); Sh. Sanjeev Kumar SDM (Preet Vihar); Sh. Amod Bharthwal SDM (HQ); Sh. Sandip Dutta, SDM Election; Dr. Surabhi (Sachhi Saheli), Ms. Preeti Kwatra and Ms. Rachna Kalra.
Chairperson, Swarnima Luthra gave a hearty welcome to the Guests present. She in her welcome address said that we need to educate girls, empower them and raise them as strong citizens to build a strong nation. The dignitaries of the day in unison urged the students, the teachers and the people present to make this cause a mass movement so that each girl in India is rightfully educated and feels safe.
‘Balika Utsav’ hosted by ASN Senior Secondary School saw the active participation of its member schools in addition to some private and Govt. schools from the District East. Around 5000 students visited the Fete along with several NGOs. Children participated in large number in various competitions like Poster Making, Slogan Writing, Documentary Making, Mehendi Designing and Walk for a Cause.
The event also witnessed very informative stalls on the demonstration about the awareness of ‘Menstrual Health and Hygiene’. Approximately 35 stalls were put up by various NGOs and schools. Keeping alive the spirit of festivity around the corner, the beautiful handmade artefacts and handicrafts attracted every one in the fete. ‘Meri Beti’, the inflatable mascot for the event went around the fete interacting with the children and entertaining them. Students also gave an enthralling cultural program where they depicted various facets of a woman. They stole the show with their vibrant performances on the themes. The ‘Asmita Group’ gave a sterling performance which touched the hearts of each and every one present.
The winners of the various competitions were awarded with Certificates and Trophies by the DM Office East.
Under the program, ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ Self Defence presentations were held in the School by Delhi Police Department where more than 500 girls were trained. They demonstrated the self-defence drill to sensitize all the other students present at the event.
The program was a grand success and was appreciated by one and all present. The programme culminated with the vote of thanks proposed by Sh. Amod Bharthwal SDM (HQ).